Gentleman Savage
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Friday March 7, 2025 11:53PM

Eagle's Eyes

Fly with noble eagles high
And see it all with piercing eyes;
Keep thy mind above it all
And listen through the savage call.
Gentle is the warm sun breeze
On creatures of the earth & seas;
Feel the light that warms the earth
As free form dreams are given birth.
Watch what forms among the clouds
That speaks more quietly than when loud.
Listen to the gentle spirit
To soar through life while keeping fit. 
Smile? You're just a camera looking here at my outside while I'm trying to show you what's inside.

This is a picture of myself at my office in Montgomery a few years ago trying to get my first digital camera to work.  The flash is bright and this is about the 3rd try.  I'm squinting to see if it's aimed right.  Ok I look mean, but I'm usually a pretty upbeat guy. :o)

Some Poetry by J. Lewis Wesley
Hello and welcome to my poetry site.  I hope you enjoy the poems and that they touch your heart and open your eyes to something good within yourself, within the world, and upward to God's love.
3/29/02 - Started Site Up
4/03/02 - Added 3 new poetry pages and some new links.
5/21/02 - Added another poetry page and edited other poems & pages.
5/7/07  - Added Incubus poem and rearranged page sequence.
Please contact me with any comments, questions, or ideas.

Last updated on 7/10/2008, 11:32:21 AM

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