The radiant life of this lively sunshower
Blasts pure, bright, clear, in strength and in power
through a window of chance through the clouds
Singing great praises and singing them loud.
In darkness and memory we oft don't remember
The sun's sunny summers and its glorious shimmer.
always, forever, and as long as we live
It floats out in space with a warmth, us to give.
Even in darkness/despair/unforgiveness,
The sunshine is free and freely will bless us.
So pray God
will help us forever to know
In our hearts and our minds we can have this warm glow.
Beware the black holes in the heart space of others.
They can capture the lives of good sisters and brothers.
darkness exists that can grab all your love
And devoid you of life and the sun from above.
So with silver cords strong, bind your soul to the light,
And avoid the evils that can kill, maim and
Keep careful eyes up and watch all your own motions
Thus safety will be in your mind and emotions.
Lets pray now together for inner light bright
For peace, love and mercy and victory in fight.
now our friends, our family beloveds,
And circle in goodness all sisters and brothers.
Life is a challenge and a fight to the last
So work hard and play hard and in sunshine bask.
we fail and sometimes we win
God help us to love far more than we sin.