That Little Incubus
That little incubus,
He’s such an ugly cuss!
He slips in very quite
And sits there so uptight.
Who knows his ill caress?
He comes it seems at night
(Unseen he’s not the fright)
And tries his ugly thing
On all the wedded rings,
Until someone is heartless.
It’s such a special thing
The way love’s strength can cling
To life until last breath
In long and wedded bliss
Unless he makes it useless.
Perchance he's touched your heart
To ruin the marriage cart
And leave you with no horse
To travel life’s blessed course,
Then lay alone and lifeless.
Beware that incubus
His name they call “Divorce”
He’s very, very sly
He’ll deceive you and will lie
Only Christ can keep you blessed.
Wes © 7/3/2001